June Cookbook Club

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Browned butter adds an element of nutty deliciousness to any cookie.  when butter is cooked, the bits of milk protein in the butter begin to brown and release an amazing nutty aroma.  When you use browned butter in a cookie, that nutty flavor gets infused into the cookie.  Also though a recipe may not call for browned butter. I've found that browned butter can easily be incorporated into most cookie recipes.

Some of the liquid evaporates during the cooking process, so always measure the brown butter after you cook it. If a recipe calls for “1/2 cup butter, melted” or “1/2 cup melted butter” and you’re using browned butter instead, make sure you have 1/2 cup (8 Tablespoons) of browned butter for the recipe.

To brown the butter, place unsalted butter needed in a heavy saucepan over medium - low heat and stir the butter occasionally.  The cream colored milk protein deposits will begin to separate from the butter and will slowly brown.   

After about 6 minutes, the butter will start to bubble. This is when its CRUCIAL to keep an eye on the butter, because once the butter begins to brown, it can burn easily.  It should take about 8 to 10 minutes to brown the butter. After the butter is browned immediately remove the pan from heat and pour the butter into heat-proof bowl to stop the cooking process. If left in the hot pan, the butter will burn.

Browned Butter Chocolate Cookie

Blueberry and Cream Cookie

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